A Working Mom's Meal Plan

The hardest part of my day is when we get home and everyone is immediately hungry. I love to cook and prefer
home-cooked meals, but I don't like to cook much during the work week. And yet, dinner has to get on the table...
My solution: make-ahead meals, freeze-ahead meals and recipes so easy that I'll make them on a Monday. I cook
mostly on the weekends, always doubling recipes, and rely heavily on my extra freezer and a decently-stocked pantry.
This cooking style saves me time and money, and it makes my life simpler—so I can actually enjoy sitting down
to supper at 6 with my family. I hope these recipes will make the witching hour a little better at your house too.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Iced Coffee

Save yourself some money this summer by making iced coffee at home. You also can also avoid the embarrassment of your youngest child yelling "Hamburger!" through the window at Starbucks. (I blame his father.)

2 teaspoons instant coffee
1 teaspoon sugar, or more/less to taste
3 tablespoons warm water
6 oz cold milk

Measure the instant coffee, sugar and warm water into a large mason jar. Close the lid and shake well. Add milk and shake it again. Pour over ice.

*If you're having a rough day, add a little chocolate syrup to the mix. Ditto for whipped cream at the end. You could also substitute a different sweetener.

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